Overcoming Hotmail Deliverability Issues

Most of this new technology in place is explicit and is easily tested by monitoring an email account from Windows Live Hotmail. Determine whether or not your email is eligible for Hotmail junk folder can be done by testing and adjusting in message headers, subject lines and content of electronic messages.

Another new Hotmail is the IP practice limitation, which limits the number of e-mails Hotmail entry agrees with the IP address of the sender until it reaches a constant number of e-mails. According to Microsoft, the consistency of the IP address is key to reducing the spam activity:

Sending "permanence" (coherence) - Sending the same IP address with consistent volumes and frequencies month to month is ideal. Spammers tend to "pop up" in an IP address and disappear. The magical threshold is reached, a new transmitter using an unknown IP address, will not have much success in sending Hotmail accounts. Since Microsoft does not publish the thresholds, the trader will have to guess the number of email addresses from Windows Live Hotmail to include in a campaign.

elivery strategies

Some strategies to help keep Hotmail deliverability until IP is recognized is to break the addresses assigned to the main campaign, and send the list into small pieces until improved deliverability. Beneficiaries without opening or clicks are filtered to ensure that only the most active Windows Live Hotmail accounts are included in a campaign. It is imperative that inactive accounts from Windows Live Hotmail that show no activity for several months are slaughtered, because after so much inactivity, these addresses are converted into spam traps, and any legitimate marketing always sends will be captured.

The Smart Network Data Services program or SNDS, provides general information about Windows Live Hotmail delivery problems to a specified email server. Just add the IP address of the mail server to track and visualize where Hotmail shows delivery problems. Several examples of Hotmail sends the NSDS program include the results of spam filters that are divided into three categories: green, yellow and red, based on a total score for a series of anti-spam filtering technologies in place. The most important measure is the rate of spam complaints, which is the number of applications divided by the number of emails in a 24 hour period. Windows recommended target is 0.3%. Windows Live Hotmail also introduced a new spam reporting program where mass email senders are encouraged to apply to help alleviate spam. After providing the information for the program, more data is shared after the information is verified.

If nothing else, you register for this program can help you keep track of what happens with Windows Live Hotmail - the second largest Internet service provider Internet messaging provider.

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