Guide To Boxing Gear

Choosing the best boxing equipment

Boxing is rapidly becoming one of the most popular work-outs, as well as a competitive sport growing. Like most martial arts, western boxing is a sport relatively cheap to start with the basics of boxing equipment. To start, you will not need a lot of boxing equipment and should last as long as you buy quality equipment.

You will not need high-tech equipment to start boxing. All you really need is basic boxing equipment and a targeted regular training. Sometimes the equipment used is available if you know where to look, but used boxing equipment can be dangerous as a poor purchase, but especially since, not left without excessively worn upholstery protection. Here is a list of boxing gear you need to get started:

If training on a punching bag:

    Hand wraps
Glove bag
Boxing bag and mounting assembly
Boxing shoes: Optional

In sparring, also provide:

16oz boxing gloves
Athletic supporter and cup

Wraps hand - boxing hand wraps is important to keep the skin on your fingers to cut and can also prevent bone fractures and sprains wrist. Gloves boxing bag are much thinner than sparring gloves making them lighter. TKO made some excellent glove bag that will last for years.

If you are a disk-hitter and consistent training recommend the bag TKO Pro Style gloves, but if you are a beginner, so basic TKO neoprene bag gloves should be fine.

Type Punching Bag - There are many types of boxing punching bag, but the most common is the heavy bag and find 75lbs is the most universal done with a vinyl cover, leather or canvas. There are brackets to attach the unit to the floor, ceiling, wall or floor.

Most people find a heavy vinyl bag to be the most comfortable to hit like a thick canvas bag is often considered the most sustainable especially if the bag is hung outside or in a garage where it can be resisted. A muay thai bag is necessary if you want to add kicking training.


You do not need to start boxing shoes and if you are just training at home or in a gym shoes are fine. Many gyms or martial arts kick boxing will not allow shoes on the carpet well. Moreover, boxing shoes have a smooth sole to facilitate movement of the ring.

Boxing hairstyles - hairstyles is important in preventing concussions and long-term injuries. If you are over 20% training and boxing headgear is so important gloves and boxing.

Sparring Gloves / boxing - the core of his boxing equipment, quality boxing gloves should be comfortable and durable giving you protection against injury. Make sure you get well-fitting gloves and a secure Velcro closure. Athletic Cup & Support Another speed base part of boxing that you must use when sparring.

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