3 Tips for a Music Collection Box in 2006

For those who love to collect inlaid boxes of music, musical jewelry boxes, ballerina music boxes, and antique music boxes, such as boxes driven disc drum music, tobacco snuff boxes musical and other there are many things that can look for when it comes to finding the perfect case.

All music boxes are not made the same. The type of music box material a carousel, wooden music box, built-in music box or antique music box is made from is what contributes to its uniqueness. For example, in the early 19th century, musical snuff boxes were made of cheap material for precious metals like gold and silver family. There were also brass music boxes, which at that time was rare.

Other music boxes such as snuff music boxes were made of wood, horn and tortoiseshell. Music tobacco snuff bottles wood, made from materials such as oak and walnut burl were very beautiful. amboyna wooden boxes, which comes from Ambon Cay, a small island in the South China Sea, were also wonderful. For collectors who like to collect wooden music boxes, finding a box made of these materials would make a wonderful resource for your collection.


Jewelry music boxes, inlaid music boxes, children's jewelry boxes, and other types of antique music boxes are all decorated differently. The type of decoration seeks a music box collector is based on personal preferences. Some collectors of music boxes can take advantage of early music boxes 19th century as most covers have been used for decoration. For example, the covers of many musical snuff boxes were made with miniature painted ivory. For a music box collector, finding like this would be a great price. In Music Boxes: A Guide for Collectors, David Tallis suggests that "A good artist is to look at Charles-Claude Delaye, who worked in France in the first half of the 19th century one of his miniatures in a tobacco Music Box snuff is equipped with. a gilded copper frame and beveled glass ... If you are lucky, you will find a tobacco snuff box whose lid music was decorated with miniature Italian mosaic. "

Thorough research, time and patience can probably help a music box collector to find a music box whose decorations they will fall in love.

Music Box Date

There are specific things in the collection box should look for when trying to assess the date of a music box jewelry inlaid music box, ballerina music boxes, carousel music box, and other boxes ancient music. A collector must carefully study the design. made as to the date of manufacture "examples of what collectors can look at trying to get out with a music box, as described by Tallis are:

Laminate comb: 1796-1810 the section groups comb-1: 1796 to groups of comb section 1820 of 2: 1810-1820 piece comb section: 1820

Other features to look for when assessing the date of a music box include AUDIT is a cylinder is hollow or without wax. This gives a music box a metallic tone and means the box predates 1820. If the box is silver or gold and English, it will have a feature that can be found a valuable book called "origin marks Guide to British and Irish silver plate," Frederick Bradbury. Other books recommended by Tallis are "silver Collection for fans," James Henderson, "gold and silver stamps" by W. Chaffers and "Taps of International Guarantees pay the money" by Tardy.

Finally, Al Meekins, owner Meekins Music Box Company Collingsworth, New Jersey has this advice for music box collectors looking for the "Stella" or box "Mira". Setting or on a music box card.

Many collection lovers enjoy collecting antique music boxes, wooden jewelry boxes, music boxes and jewelry inlaid music boxes.

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