What is the Pancreas is it the Fact Wellness Coach

It produces enzymes and hormones that help break down the foods we eat. The pancreas produces enzymes that continue the food decomposition process, which begins in the stomach. The pancreas also produces hormones, insulin is longer recognizes that controls glucose balance between blood and the rest of the body. Thank you to the pancreas, the body can use sugars and fat storage that are essential for health.

The stomach empties already partially digested food and liquid into the duodenum, which is where it mixes with the secretions of the pancreas. It all seems a bit technical, but what I want to emphasize here is that this is the reason why we were told to chew, chew really good food and not eat just before going to bed It really makes this body of work little harder

The pancreas is an organ incredibly effective self-regulation, much smarter than any computer ever invented.
Day after day for a lifetime, a healthy pancreas produces exactly the right chemicals at the right time in the right quantities to digest the food we eat. We only eat our food and my intention for you is that he is healthy, and this small plant looks after digest just for us. So every time you put that junk food and unhealthy fat food in your mouth think of how this small organ will work hard to do the best for you.

Here's how the pancreas works; pancreas begins a larger work by secreting their exocrine tissue juice containing transparent aqueous alkaline enzymes that help break down food molecules into small enough to be absorbed by the intestine.

Most often, the pancreas is a self-running body beautifully. If it fails to produce sufficient digestive enzymes and food, loss and / or diarrhea difficulty absorbed weight can cause. The increased risk of diabetes is very little, if insulin is produced in the result of diabetes. This increases the level of glucose in the blood and increases the risk of a number of problems in the body.

Pancreatitis is a disease of the pancreas, which is an inflammation of the pancreas. Smoking and drinking may aggravate the pancreas and cause the disease and the disease is more common in men than women. Be responsible in the care of our bodies.

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