Using His Book Images for Promotion

The books usually have at least a pair of images related to them, at least cover art and author of the photograph. Other books may have many photographs of the interior color, or black and white, as well as illustrations, maps or other types of images. All these images can help promote your book, even if people buy online and can not find a physical book before buying. Before your book is published, or even turned off, make sure you spend time thinking about all the ways you can use these images in your marketing and you are in a format that will make these images easily available when needed.

Ensure that you have the right types of images

When working with the photographer or the layout design and the person, if you have photos or other images to include, make it clear you want to have the images in JPEG form so they can be used online and in other formats.

Some people conceive of the book may prefer to use TIFF images, which may be better in some cases, the print quality, but usually JPEG images are also good. You will not be able to view your TIFF images online from the Internet rather jpegs. If you are experienced with Photoshop or another program that will allow you to cut and edit images, change image formats can not be a problem, or you may want to learn how to change the images yourself so you have more options later. But if you want ready to use images, make sure to leave your person book format knows that all he cuts or changes you want in its final form, as it is reprinted in its book you the best possible images to use in your marketing efforts. And make sure to ask these images in JPEG and color format, even if your book is printed in black and white. People will look for black and white pictures in a book, but they are waiting color online. Furthermore, the picture books in general must be high resolution 300 dpi, but you want a lower resolution such as 72 dpi if you are going to send images online because low-resolution images less time to load on a Web page.

Several ways to market your book Images

Web: If you are a first time author from your first website you want your website to look like a book cover or reflect the contents of his book. Use themes, colors, graphics and images that match the cover of your book and the tone of the book, purpose and content. You do not want to settle for a website that meets with your book cover or images, or use pre-made templates that do not project the right image or worse, contradictory. Talk to your website designer for the best use of cover and other images can be made.

Blog: Get your site, you may want your blog to reflect the theme and content of your book and its author persona. The blog can have a couple of pictures sent to it in the blog template that is your book, such as a photo of the author or a picture of the book. Then use your other pictures to post on your blog, one pair at a time. Publish excerpts from your book and download the book appropriate images each post
Online photo albums: In the era of social networks, people like to look at pictures of the other. If you are on Facebook, MySpace or any other site that lets you upload photos or images to an album, create a photo album for your book, or even several albums for different sections of your book. People will be more interested in your book, if they can see images. And do not be afraid to change some of these pictures to your profile picture too.

Video Preview Book: have a video made of her book. Various development companies in the professional book, including views reader, make movies look book authors. Want to send a dozen or more of the best images of your book again in jpeg format, so they can be used for video. Even if your book does not have many photos, here is a reason to find additional images, provided you pay them or use royalty-free, helping to promote books.

Postcards and other marketing pieces: Examine the possibilities beyond the usual to promote the book. If you write a story or a book tour, you can turn your images into your own postcard line. You can do the same with your catch-room marketing book five or six of his best images and make a bookmark series of children's books you might have a bookmark for each character in the book. Even if you do not mention your book on all of these items, you can earn extra income from your images, and you can sell these products on your site, and your book. Local gift shop may not be interested in selling their books, but they may be able to sell calendars and T-shirts. Market and sell their images, with or without his book.

Images are key to marketing a book. Use your images to attract attention and promote your book in any way possible. Be creative in these images will create additional income for you as a writer.

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