It is not sufficient cause to fear the dangers of binge eating if you leave it untreated disorder. It can cause great physical harm, emotional, psychological and social.
This causes obesity one of the dangers of binge eating joint. Obesity is the health hazards in the home, such as increased risk of heart disease and diabetes hiring, and certain types of cancer. Not only these, but unwanted extra weight can lead to pain in joints and muscles, the structure of the body may not be able to cope with excess weight as more Mack Truck on a bike.
The dangers of this side of binge eating include low blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, brittle nails and even heart and / or kidney failure.
Binging can also affect your digestive system. The human digestive system is an amazing and wonderful thing, but unfortunately not done to respond to the attack of food during a binge episode. In addition, most people generally do not binge on nutritious and healthy foods like fruits and vegetables. Instead, they are more likely to consume vast amounts of low-fiber, salt and high fat foods such as pizza, chips, ice cream, chocolates and hamburgers. Trash is the word that describes the food that hit his stomach during the attack. The pure hard work probably necessary in the treatment of waste and unnecessary stress that these places in the body can lead to digestive disorders like constipation, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal problems.
One of the less notable dangers of binge eating is malnutrition. Finally, the dangers of binge eating are not limited to the physical aspects of a person. Binge eating disorder has psychological roots resulting from a root cause and usually hidden within the individual. People binge because of a problem because of its constant binging, they feel more and more depressed they become buried in a sea of food and negative feelings such as guilt, shame and lack of esteem self. In this sense, binging became a combined effect. These can lead to one of the most dangerous effects of binge eating, suicide.
Binging can also affect your digestive system. The human digestive system is an amazing and wonderful thing, but unfortunately not done to respond to the attack of food during a binge episode. In addition, most people generally do not binge on nutritious and healthy foods like fruits and vegetables. Instead, they are more likely to consume vast amounts of low-fiber, salt and high fat foods such as pizza, chips, ice cream, chocolates and hamburgers. Trash is the word that describes the food that hit his stomach during the attack. The pure hard work probably necessary in the treatment of waste and unnecessary stress that these places in the body can lead to digestive disorders like constipation, diarrhea and other gastrointestinal problems.
One of the less notable dangers of binge eating is malnutrition. Finally, the dangers of binge eating are not limited to the physical aspects of a person. Binge eating disorder has psychological roots resulting from a root cause and usually hidden within the individual. People binge because of a problem because of its constant binging, they feel more and more depressed they become buried in a sea of food and negative feelings such as guilt, shame and lack of esteem self. In this sense, binging became a combined effect. These can lead to one of the most dangerous effects of binge eating, suicide.
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