Strategies for Bullying and Harassment at Work

Many workers of these days will experience bullying at work - behaviors such as:

verbal abuse
spreading rumors about someone
constant name calling
sexual harassment

Bullying and harassment can also be more subtle and include such behaviors as:

    unjustified criticism or complaints constants
constant threats to dismiss or demote
excluding some activities in the workplace
inconsistent and arbitrary application of rules
establishing reasonable deadlines
deliberately changing work organization in order to annoy someone
configuration tasks that are not reasonable
excessive analysis of job performance
the retention of information at source or the tools to do the job
take credit for other work and employees fail to recognize the employee.

Bullying is usually defined as repeated unreasonable behavior directed towards a worker or group of workers that creates a risk to health and safety. It is immaterial whether the person bullying and harassment with intent to do so.

Bullying can be toxic to a company making high staff turnover, absenteeism, low morale and reduced productivity. It also outlines a broader financial burdens employer, including the possibility of compensation claims, legal action or substantial fines for violations of workplace health and obligations of legal certainty.

Occupational Health and Safety Act stipulates that the employer has the obligation to the extent possible, provide employees with a safe working environment and safe for the health of workers. Bullying and harassment are not compatible with a safe working environment or a risk-free working environment.

If you are aware of bullying in the workplace, or is being bullied or harassed, there are several strategies recommended by experts to fight against harassment in the workplace behavior and bullying.

- Report

A victim of bullying or harassment should report the fault to your supervisor and / or HR department / representative, if available in your workplace. When drafting a complaint stick to the key points and keep concise complaint.

-Document behavior From
Since the beginning of the unwanted behavior, or as soon as possible after, the victim must document the behavior, noting the date, time and place of the event, and if anyone else was present as a witness and a transcription interaction.
-Be informed

Familiarize yourself with local political work to your employer and your own job. Find out if your company has formal HR policies and complaint, and familiarize yourself with them.

-Take Care of your health and seek medical help

If the case go as far as the courts may be required to demonstrate the effects of the alleged intimidation, whether emotional harm or physical manifestations of stress. The employee can get medical care as evidence.

If you are an employer to prevent bullying and protect you and your team, there are several recommended actions. Whenever possible, you should try to implement measures that reduce or eliminate the possibility of workplace bullying and the associated damage, and take proactive approaches to reduce the risk of intimidation. Possible actions you could take would include preferably possible risk factor assessments of bullying in the workplace, developing a bullying policy in formal and formal employment file a complaint procedures bullying in the workplace.

His response to bullying

In the case of a bullying claim by a worker, the employer must first seek to act according to an established company or intimidation occupational health and safety procedures. If no formal procedure is developed, the state law may require the employer to follow a standard procedure as defined in the legislation on health and safety in the State of work.

Documentation and communication with stakeholders is also essential, but the employer must ensure the confidentiality, especially when prompted by the accuser.

To minimize the risk as an employer, you should consider developing policies and proactive intimidation that ensure that their workforce is safe, engaged and productive.

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