Phosphates and Nitrates are Essentially Toxic to Florida's Economic Health

Florida was an agricultural producer and farming state. Of course, these two industries also support the second largest industry in the state, the production of food.

Fresh water is essential to Florida's economy

It is safe to say, without charge, drinking water, agriculture and livestock industries in Florida would fail, causing serious economic problems. Over 90 percent of Florida residents use groundwater for drinking. The food production industry in Florida is relatively stable and continuous, because Florida receives large amounts of annual rainfall.

Rainwater is the best source of fresh, clean water to most residents in the southwest of central Florida. Rainfall in this region of Florida ranges from 50 inches to 70 inches per year. All this water adds up fast and need a place to be stored.

This article will discuss half absorbed by the earth in Florida.

The southwestern area of ​​Central Florida is composed exclusively of layered materials. The surface layer is formed of karst carbonate or rock. This porous material is soluble, water absorption, water and abutting against wells.

Rainwater is slightly acidic, allowing karst or rock dissolve in the water carbonate. This process of dissolution may start small, but eventually create fissures, superficial caves, deep caves and holes. Each of these hydrogeological formations can not confine water. This confinement shaped tower, groundwater, aquifers and springs.

The above structures are natural formations hydrogeological water containment earth and retain rainwater because it is absorbed by the surface. Now, humans can explore the abundant natural water resources for crops, livestock and drinking. These industries have coexisted for generations without much ado.

Florida phosphate industry

There is another major player in the economic scenario not yet spoken. The third largest industry in Florida is the phosphate industry. This industry also uses the same natural water resources such as agriculture and livestock.

You think, it just seems that you look a little closer and discover how each industry explores the natural water resources. The industries of agriculture and livestock use their natural water resources similarly. All water consumed by these industries is found where it came; absorbs the ground. The absorbed water combines with natural aquifers in the region that are supported by moderate amounts of annual rainfall southwest Florida Central. This is the same natural freshwater resource that all who live in central demands of southwest Florida for support.

Phosphorus (P) is an essential element for all living beings on Earth, including humans. Use of P is in the form of rock phosphate. Natural phosphate deposit origin southwest of Central Florida is geologically logical because these phosphate deposits are usually locked in carbonate rock or limestone.

Phosphate employees in Central Florida have large amounts of phosphate deposits which are based on organic natural flora of accumulation, since live and wildlife in the Florida peninsula, as described above. Phosphate is natural, and unfortunately at this time has no substitute, experts say.

How critical are the phosphate industries producing for public safety

Phosphate is used in many different ways, including fertilizer and gunpowder.
Mentioned powder because phosphates are also US military resources, not just gunpowder. Phosphate is treated heavy metal components and can be used for the radioactive material together.

Freshwater areas in Florida

Florida rivers, streams, lakes, springs and aquifers create healthy habitats for maintaining wildlife and ecosystems. Water resources are also used for relaxation and natural leisure that offer many business opportunities for Florida.

Surface contaminates flow into Florida aquifer systems

However, fresh water overall quality can become contaminated when surface pollutants are introduced directly into water systems. Pollutants such as nitrates and phosphates "transformed" are important contaminants in freshwater source for all consume.

Protection against contaminants, nutrients, especially phosphorus-based is the main concern for all environmental organizations and stakeholders in the Florida economy. Indeed, high concentrations of phosphorus-based nutrients showed a negative impact on the ecosystem of local fresh water in the form of algal growth, which in turn has a negative effect on human health.

Problems of oxygen depletion

The algae reduce the normal level of oxygen dissolved in water, particularly in times of the day, due to photosynthesis. This, in turn, reduces the average amount of dissolved oxygen in water systems and naturally surface sources. This begins to kill the most sensitive flora. The cycle continues as oxygen dissolved in the water are not within normal ranges for supporting occur.

When life ceases to exist in a water area, which is called "dead zone". Dead zones may occur in marine areas of fresh water rich in phosphorus and nitrogen due to abnormal algae growth in aquifers and sources of Florida.

Meaning, freshwater Florida showing the existing pollutants will continue to increase until the contaminants are removed by washing natural water systems. Unfortunately, these two pollutants are rising.


1. Water Chemistry Interpretation of Florida data - Global Underwater Explorers dot org
2. Business Magazine Gainesville
3. Tampa Bay Watershed - protectingourwaterdotorg
4. Centre for Instructional Technology Florida - Floripedia: orthophosphate Florida Streams
5. USGS - US Geological Survey Office of the characteristics of groundwater and hydrogeology -Karst

Florida Mine your site to learn the practice unethical mining strip in Florida phosphate. See how they destroy and pollute unique systems of aquifers, watersheds, springs, creeks and rivers.

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