Lumosity Brain Games The Fun Way to Make Life Easier

The world we live in today is complex. As we work while we play, even just while we drive, we are constantly bombarded with information that our minds must sort, organize, prioritize and maintain. As such, it is not surprising that even simple things like connect a name to a face or remember a phone number can be a challenge. While there are limits to the amount of information that we can manage, happily, these limits are not static, and Lumosity brain games can help. These games are designed to help increase the mental capacity of the following ways, and as such, life is much easier to walk.

Sharpen memory
For long-term memory to create a multitude of cognitive processes must operate properly. If the cognitive system that prepares information for long-term storage right does`t working memory that the results can be extremely difficult to remember later. Games like Moneycomb or memory array help streamline this mental process by working to improve their visual working memory, while games like Memory Game facilitate your ability to update your working memory with new information.

Developing increase
Another cognitive domain that these games work increases focus. Games like Birdwatching and Space Junk are great ways to improve your ability to maintain attention through a field (such as driving) while games like Lost in Migration and Play Koi working to improve your ability to stay focused for an extended time period.

Enhancing creativity
Often the solutions to the problems we face is not just something that we have learned, but something that has developed creatively. In addition to other cognitive abilities mentioned above, many Lumosity brain games are also working to increase fluid intelligence, our ability to recognize subtle or hidden patterns around us, and then use these templates to create solutions for new and old similar problems.

Through the use of Lumosity Brain Games, you can refine your memory, increase your concentration and increase creativity, allowing you to remember not only the big important things, but the details too. By taking a few minutes a day to play the games of your choice, you optimize the performance of the mind and improve your mental speed, memory, problem solving, flexibility and attention.

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