Learn More About The Company by Name AOL

America Online or AOL was the largest service provider in the early 90s, when there were not many competitors around. He had a large user base at the time and is still considered a premium email account service. The company was found in 1983, and has since spread its basic services worldwide. It offers a number of services today, including AOL Online Suite, which is by far its most popular feature. Then there are other services as well, including games, which was among the first services offered by the company. Even today, there is a long list of games that AOL still offers its customers.

It was after this time that AOL, under new management began to acquire companies in different segments. Previous AOL e-mail accounts were accessible to members who have used their services, and so are not free, but in the end, their email accounts also have become free-to-all. Their services are not yet committed, so a person who has an email account with them also have access to a set of services which is made by AOL for absolutely no cost. The list of free services offered by AOL include:

• AIM (AOL Instant Messenger)
• Local AOL - To help users find local information like restaurants, local events and directory listings
• AOL News
• AOL Video, which also allows users to share their own videos.
• AOL MyAddress
• Xdrive (No longer available since 2009)

Today, AOL is a digital media company that provides e-mail services and chat, is in the content and marketing of the industry, and also invests in several Internet companies to consumers. AOL Support services are a class apart and their representatives to ensure that you are having trouble with some of the list of goods or services.

In case you need further information on its services, or if you want to enjoy technical support for one of them, you can always search the web where you will find a number of suppliers services that offer help in return for a small fee, many offering a possibility to withdraw too!

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