Iceland Island With A Beautiful View

Iceland is an island about the size of the state of Kentucky. This small island is moving north into the Atlantic Ocean, east of Greenland and also touches the Arctic Circle. The land of Iceland is also famous because it is one of the most aggressive volcanic regions in the world. More than three percent of the total area of ​​Iceland is covered by glaciers or snowfields are. Most of the population of Iceland only inhibits within seven percent of the island, because the ground seven percent is considered a very fertile coast. The Atlantic Gulf Stream keeps the climate of Iceland softer and moderate temperature you expect on an island around the Arctic Circle.

It is believed that the first inhabitants of Iceland were the hermits of Ireland. The Constitution was formed in 930 AD. The history of Iceland is very well preserved in the written Icelandic sagas in the 13th century.

In the year 1262, Iceland was occupied by the ruler of Norway and was also given Denmark the ultimate control through the famous "Kalmar Union" in which the kingdoms of Norway, Sweden and Denmark joined in 1397. in the year 1874, Iceland gained its own constitution and, in 1918, Denmark recognized Iceland as a separate country and unlimited sovereignty through the union. at this time, also, Iceland was partially under the control of the Danish monarchy. D
uring the second World war, when Germany attacked the first time, Denmark British troops and American troops landed in Iceland and used as a strategic air base. According to historians, neutral Iceland supported its allies through the war. June 17, 1944, after the official referendum Iceland was declared independent republic and the Althing also proclaimed as an independent republic.

Iceland joined NATO [the North Atlantic Treaty] in 1949 and the base of the US Air Force inaugural in 1951. In 1971 was recognized by EFTA [European Free Trade Association ]. In 1972, Iceland extended its fishing coastline to 200 nautical miles from 3 nautical miles. The conflict ended in 1976 with England to accept the new Icelandic fishing limits. Iceland refused to sign the agreement which stated that the hunting of commercial whaling moratorium will continue as it was in 1986. Finally, in 2003, Iceland agreed to start hunting for research and experiments.

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