Binge Eating Disorder Symptoms

How do you know if you're a binge eater? Here are some of the most common binge eating disorder symptoms you should know about:

1. If you are a binge eater you eat a large amount of food in a period of 2-3 hours, at least twice a week.

2. Binging is an uncontrollable act of overeating. If you can not control how much you eat and how fast you can be a binger.

3. Binging is usually the result of some kind of emotional problem such as stress, loneliness, anger, and so on. That's why binge eating is actually emotional eating.

4. Binge eaters are not satisfied with what they do. They are addicted to food and they are extremely unhappy with it.
5. Binging is usually rapid. You do not take your time with your food when in a frenzy.

6. Often, people who tend to binge eat alone because they are extremely embarrassed about the way they eat. Only then, your body has the power to stop the urge to overeat that got hold of you.

You should now have a good picture, if you're a binge eater or not. If you have any of these symptoms of binge eating disorder, then you should know that this can pose a serious health risk. There is hope.

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