Bing Search and Benefits Features

A search engine is designed to search for information on the Web and FTP servers World Wide. The search results are usually presented in a long list of results and are called hits. The related information may consist of web pages, articles, images and all types of information. There are many search engines that can help you find different information, but Bing has become one of the most used search engine in recent years. Bing is a Microsoft Web search engine, which already contributes to research Live Search, Windows Live Search and MSN Search. With the help of Bing, you can get all kinds of information, such as search suggestions, video, sports, finance, etc. Before the release of Bing, web search (and MSN Live Search Microsoft) was the share market stagnation. In January 2011, Experian Hitwise, the share of Bing's market share increased to 12.8%. In February 2011, Bing beat Yahoo for the first time in search of market share. Bing share to 4.37% and 3.93% according to Yahoo share StatCounter.

The Bing basic function are the following:

    Daily change the background image. The background image also contains information about the image displayed on the desktop.
Left navigation displays pages of results and previous research
Right side has reached the highest point of view of the page and the URL
Under links on different search results.
Other multimedia features include video thumbnail display, the video starts playing automatically image search which is the size, layout, color, style and people. You can also search the video with adjustable length, screen size, resolution and the source.

Search Tip allows Bing to assist and help you find exactly what you need. Accelerators enable users to access Bing features directly from selected text in a web page. Accelerators provided by the Bing team include:

Bing translator
Bing Maps
Bing shopping

The major features mentioned above, which were provided by Bing and Bing you can also find the best restaurants, cinemas, nightclubs and other information. Bing is a great way for you to stay connected with the global world of news and entertainment.

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