An Overview Summary of the Big Bang theory

One of the most controversial theories of human history is the Big Bang theory. Over time many theories and definitions were made, but in the end only one is relevant: The Big Bang is a cosmological process that explains the birth of substance, space, time and energy. Everything happened as a result of an explosion instantly from a single point called singularity (something formless and infinite energy). By the time "zero", the point of its uniqueness and expressed his infinite power through a huge explosion. This theory also tells us that the universe is constantly expanding, thanks to the dark matter. Dark matter is an undetectable problem results from the gravity and constitutes 80% of ordinary matter in the universe.

The age of the universe is determined by scientists across the cosmic microwave background radiation, which shows that the temperature of the universe is 3 degrees Celsius above 0. Recently, scientists have tried to create the state of the first seconds after the Big Bang. In this they have developed a huge machine (length 27 km), called the Large Hadron Collider. The purpose of LGC collided subatomic particles at the speed of light. The scientists support the theory that the temperature of these collisions result (100,000 times higher than the core temperature of the Sun). Based on the result of the temperature of these collisions, scientists will determine the key elements of the big bang.

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