What A Girl Does End Up With Naruto?

Girls Does End Up With Naruto

It is always amazing to see how people can get excited about the love life of Naruto. In fact, Naruto's love life is the subject of many debates and flame wars on the Internet. Anyway, we can not deny the fact that every aspect "novel" the anime, it is more interesting. There are two girls in the series that have the ability to end Naruto. Unless the author Kishimoto throws in a new female character to the mix.

Haruno Sakura

Sakura is and always has passion for Naruto, even since the beginning of the series. Even if Naruto team mate, but it was not necessarily your friend at the beginning of Team Kakashi. In fact, Sakura appears much hostility towards Naruto at the beginning of the series, perhaps because of Naruto's reputation that the Academy "deadlast '. Naruto main male character and Sakura from the main female character, and they would probably end up together, right? Ir'a given the fact that Naruto has a crush on Sakura, but Sakura is in love with Sasuke again; direct rival Naruto. As a genius, Sasuke is also beautiful, and powerful, without even trying. Sasuke clearly not return his affections, but there are little clues in series, where you will see that these two; Sakura and Sasuke certainly something together. In fact, the relationship between Sakura and Sasuke is one of the most romantic anime developed which embrace the dying forest, owned by the cursed seal, comes to his senses. There is also recognition of Sasuke Sakura is one of his "precious people." And then there's this huge problem of Sakura's confession of love, genuine "self-all-for-you sacrifice love . And although Sasuke, he leaves with a thank you is enigmatic and poignant.
So far, even with the defection of Sasuke, he is still the biggest obstacle to any possibility of Naruto and Sakura meet since obviously still love Sakura and Sasuke there are always those little clues he could love her back. Sakura loves Naruto, but only as a friend who seems to move backwards, even in Naruto Shippuden. All Naruto advances seems to fail as Sakura rejected gently, without much emotion.

Hinata Hyuga

Then, Hinata. Hinata is a shy girl who, unlike all the other girls of the Academy had a crush on Naruto from the beginning. She never looked at Naruto, if it is smarter then Naruto. Rather, the passion she has on Naruto is so great that it fails when it is in a near Naruto.
Unbeknownst to Naruto, she is one of the first people to him, and Sasuke acknowledged. Hinata admired for his courage, strength, determination and confidence. These are qualities quite opposed it really needs. Naruto inspired to be more than he is and always pushes Hinata to be a better person
Naruto and Hinata have their moments.

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