The Business Model of the Future Facebook

The only thing that Facebook not yet understood how to use your fabulous product to make more money, consistently and continues to train - which is to find the business model. Facebook is unique, so you need to find unique solutions.

Business Network / Company Profile

Would not it be great to Facebook to be able to enter businesses that block the site to date, generating new sources of revenue from advertising and other recruitment and other companies? But most important, the leaders of LinkedIn business networking market and Xing charge their users, ie, Facebook would have a case entirely legitimate to do so, as well as its network of business users. Of course, they can not start charging users active business network, but when the door is open again ... Needless to say it has the greatest potential impact on the bottom line of Facebook.

All this would happen if Facebook offered a business network as well. It can be set easily by the automatic transfer of existing data (assembly) of user profiles in their new professional profiles, giving users the opportunity to opt in to this service and let them get more data relating to companies to be able to activate your professional profile (which also means that the most important data available within Facebook). existing Facebook feature should be incorporated, examples are the news feed updates in real time, post pictures (eg, corporate events), the Like button, the ability to easily post relevant news, etc. allowing the user to do the same things they like to do on the social network as in a business environment and a simple, already known. This would make the Facebook Business Network that much more alive than your existing static majority, which allows users to be active or passive, constantly enjoying new content changes to keep them on the site, as happens in the current social network. In my view, if properly configured, the other existing professional networks will be marginalized in about 9-12 months after launch (depending on deployment plan) and other existing social networks.

As above, with the push of a button, the relevant other profiles, private and commercial data is transferred to a job search profile (again, if accepted by the user) and additional data are added by users to complete their profile, alternatively, a company network already exists professional profile can also act as the job search profile, saving users valuable time and to obtain their easily the labor market, without the need to even fill a long way, updating their resumes, etc .. Now the corporate network profile (at least) suppliers must be integrated with market users agree that Facebook can use your data for safety reasons (eg, to remove users with fake profiles from beginning) while also having them add more data to be able to act as a seller (the most important data within Facebook). This wealth of data allows Facebook to have a fraud rate low enough deals and even better custom fit for each user, for example, Ebay, huge competitive advantages. special promotions for products on Facebook will also be easier for many users to accept leave Facebook to use their existing data strictly for safety reasons.

Now some examples of things now totally out of reach of Facebook,

Facebook Apparel

Why they have not already done beyond me. basic images of event data and complete events

Small own characteristics, with great benefits for the user, while being very fast and fairly inexpensive to launch are always fun. A comprehensive database of events, where each event handler enter their own events and each Facebook user can Search events, concerts, etc. in your region or any other registered. Again, by integrating all the successful features of Facebook, for example, allow people to be marked or labeled (for confidentiality reasons, only the person Hermann / itself can be labeled if they want another mark, the user must give permission to be marked in this more public environment), Commentary, such as button, etc., which also allows users to upload their own pictures from events and link them to the event (where allowed by the event handler), which makes it much more interesting and certainly increases the number of user interactions on Facebook. Using existing functionality to a new application, Facebook will save resources in the development of these resources, while gaining speed to them (a familiar theme to date) launch. Facebook still win over new users, more user-generated content and user interaction, as well as advertising revenue (eg, ad money flowing to the local party will go to Facebook) on this subject.

Banking functions


Facebook itself could offer a variation of a microcredit for their users (microcredit is a small loan originally designed for poor people in developing countries to engage in self-employment projects that allow them to generate income - http: // en.wikipedia .org / wiki / micro). The Facebook user data is the dream of an expert of the credit rating that certain non-financial data, when available, also very valuable in the process of loan approval today. To actually be able to use this data, Facebook asked the candidates to sign a document that your Facebook user data can be used in the loan approval process. Later, they might even expand to offer more banking functions like an online account, e-brokerage ...

Peer-to-Peer Lending Platform

They could also provide a peer-to-peer lending platform, where users lend money to other users, such as Zopa and Prosper, who soon after becoming the largest on the web, although sure. Here, the issue of privacy becomes that Facebook can not simply transfer data. From the perspective of Facebook, the best thing would be to let banks negotiate access to each customer of the bank, a Facebook user.

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