Stress and Find Your Own Definition of Personal Stress

Stress is never easy to define. However, many people believe that having a standard definition of stress that will provide stress management and stress relief answers they need. Stress is much more difficult to understand and define it.


Examine how it can be difficult to define the term stress. Try these experimental parameters and to test for yourself.

Your ONE step test parameters

First, choose five people you know. Next, consider asking them to provide a general definition of the word - stress. Do you realize that each person uses similar words, but each definition varies with each person.

STEP TWO TEST your settings

Second, ask each person to define what the word means stress for them personally. The language and the words that will change more concerned all the time about their personal experiences and life situations.
STEP THREE TEST your settings

Third, ask each person to make that final step. Stress makes me feel (fill in the blank). Feel stressed when (fill in the blank). You will hear more words such as: pressure, worried, anxious, overwhelmed, tense, tense, troubled, overwhelmed and burned. You listen to more people about their own personal settings, and emotional stress only.

You must remember that a definition

So now you have a long list of words and multiple stress parameters. Understand that the definition of stress really is not suitable for everyone. Each person is still suffering from stress to their individual and personal way. Like all methods of stress relief and stress management you use should really suit your own custom requirements.

Your personal definition OWN

So always consider any standard definition of stress as a guide. More importantly, take three steps to define just discussed and the use to design your own personal definition of stress. It is this personal definition that will be worth more to you than any standard definition.

You will understand more about your own stress

When you develop your own personal definition you will now understand much more about yourself. So what is your definition of stress?

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