Create Your Facebook Page Easier Management

Facebook for Business

While many people are comfortable with Facebook for personal reasons, their use continues to stay in touch with family and friends. By creating a company profile on Facebook, you can promote your business, product or organization. The creation of the profile itself is done in a few easy steps and can be easily connected to your Facebook account for easier management.

Create your page

Select if you want your page listed as a local business, organization or public figure. Once you have made your choice, you can now correlate with your personal Facebook account. With the now created page, you can start off your prospects and friends will see when they land on your page.

Customize your Facebook brand

Facebook is a visual tool, with many people the inclusion or exclusion of friend requests based solely on image alone profile. You can choose to use a personal image or logo of your own design.
Facebook profile

It is recommended to use a personal photo to your Facebook business page that you use one that is a professional headshot and / or logo (for the brand). If you do not want to provide a logo here you can also put it in other areas of the business Facebook page; However, keep in mind the profile picture is designed to sell your business.

Added "Likes"

After creating your profile, you can go "live" with your page. If you have one or existing accounts and LinkedIn / Twitter, they can also lead to new contacts within the network Facebook.

Watch Plug-in games

Among the many plugins available for your business Facebook page, first look to the live broadcast.

Streaming allows the user to visit your website to post your comments in real time. This is useful when you use an event like a speech live, webcast, webinar or live streaming video for concerts. The application is readily available for download from the "Facebook Developers" Facebook. While most users can not go through the installation costs of a live event for your brand, you can set live to display static content.

Live Stream app require an application ID to function properly. It is created on the Facebook developers area. When they reached the "developer page," you'll see a button at the top right that says Set Up New Application.

Now you will start configuring your application name. After completing the appointment of the application, click the Create button. You can find your new application appears on the developer page, if not immediately to the right page. At this point, you have an identification number of the application, on the left side, the third line down (Facebook Integration tab).

Activity Feed plugin

The plug-in power supply business is another valuable tool for those who have their own personal websites linked to your Facebook business page. It allows the last activity will take place on your website to advertise on Facebook. Perhaps the most beneficial, however, is that because the content is hosted by Facebook, the cap will display or not the user is logged on your site.

Using the flow of activities plugin, you must specify an area to view the activity. You can not use multiple domains with this plug-in at the time. The plugin is available through a simple iframe, you can connect to your page, or if you are familiar with Javascript SDK XFBML tag you can use to activate.

As Box and Box Comment

Boxes as comments and are the most common features of Facebook; However, many users will be surprised that they are available for use and as a plug-in on your own blog and website. These social plugins can connect to your blog and website directly on your Facebook page.

Box How will allow visitors to your blog and website to like your Facebook page and find another way to connect with you as the comment box that allows them to leave "comments" or "messages" to your company, product or brand.

Recommendation Plugin

The recommendation Plugin is a large interactive plugin for sites with lots of content. Like Facebook recommend items you might like or follow this plugin will suggest that the content of your site for your visitors based on their interests. If you do happen to not be connected to your Facebook account when you view your site and have this plugin running, it will be active based on the content of your Facebook data. If you are not connected, then detach the basis of the content of social interaction with your site URL.

The plug-in recording

The recording plug-in allows users to save on your site with your Facebook login. When connected to your Facebook user account information will be pre-loaded in the largest possible number of areas, which makes recording simple as a click, sometimes.

If you want to collect more information though, Facebook also allows the possibility to create custom fields for this form (if necessary). You are also able to use the same way, if someone is not a Facebook user without them the need to register. Remember, Facebook is a related business page and is not really intended for personal conversations. However, you can not create one unless you first have a personal Facebook account. If you do not have time to create it, this is one of these types of "to do" items you can outsource to your virtual assistant.

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