Travel Experience in Netherlands

Do not let the Dutch clichés scare you to visit the Netherlands. Although bicycles, windmills and endless flower fields are basically the norm once you get outside the major tourist cities. Law that locals and jump on a bike for an adventure of exploration. The Netherlands is a small country that is full of surprises.

The full name is the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and the capital is Amsterdam. The Netherlands has a population of about 16,254,900 people. Probably one of the most popular pleasures that the Netherlands is offering its dramatic contrast between pragmatic liberalism and the buttoned culture based on Calvinist principles. You can visit the Netherlands and have a wonderful experience at any time of the year. A larger summer months to visit is in August because it is home to all kinds of fun events.

Spring is the perfect time to visit the Netherlands, because you get to enjoy the endless fields of tulips and daffodils. To Amsterdam around Easter is incredibly busy, but if you are able to visit during Koninginnedag then it is worthwhile to deal with crowds of people.

You can also choose to visit the Netherlands in early October because of his Indian summer. If it freezes during the season, there are excellent places to skate on the canals and flood plains.

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