Marketing Strategy Google+

Google+ (or G +) were too late to participate in social media marketing advantage, so many small business owners still view with suspicion - they should or should not participate in it? Is it worth spending more time on social media marketing, adding another management tool? According to the 2014 Social Media Report examiner, while 54% of buyers use Google+, 65% want to know more about it and plan 61% on increased Google+ activities in 2014.

But Google+ is not just a social media site, it functions as a social glue that holds the Internet together. Read on to find out if it's worth the time to market!

In February 2014, G + already has 359 million active users, which occupies 65% of the activity of research results / personal, is linked to Gmail, which also has over 4 million users, it is also linked to YouTube that has 800 million visitors per month, and offers mobile Google over 1 million Android devices activated daily.

Google+ is integrated into all Google products and applications: Google Search, Gmail, Google Apps, YouTube, Android, Google Play Store, Google Translate, Google Drive, Google Analytics, AdWords, Maps, Places, Google Webmaster Tools, Google News , images, etc. more. If you use Google tools for your business, in fact it is very difficult to avoid creating a Google+ profile in the process for your user ID.

So let's look at why and how you can use Google+ as part of its digital marketing strategy.

Benefits of Google+ for business marketing:

There is a growing community G + - users increasingly get on. Integrating Google Product / Service - you can access everything with its unique Google+ account.
With the changing SEO rules - profiles, messages and communities are indexed and searchable, so your Google+ activity has a direct impact on your SEO results.

Google ranks your messages based on the interactions they receive. Greater interaction = more confidence = higher search rankings of this interaction.

Marketing strategy Google+

1. improve your SEO results locations

Google+ Local pages replace old Google local business listings, then you will need to apply both the old and new profiles for your business and merge. Link your site to your web page and your personal profile (as a writer - see below).

2. Link your Google+ profile for your blog

Confirm that you are the author of your blog in Google's eyes and connect the two together. If you have a WordPress blog, you can easily connect using any plugins (like SEO by Yoast) or their theme settings. More technical information on how Google works of authorship can be found here.

3. Integrate Google+ on your site

Make sure you have your local profile and added to the site and your site is verified by all Google services that you will use (including YouTube). Give your G + profile badge or button on your site and show one option for your posts and pages. Thus, other Google+ users can share your content with your followers for you. More interaction with your links = more reliable SEO.

4. Use Hangouts On Air to connect and build your brand

Hangouts with updated and improved, you can connect with your customers, promote their products and services, webinars run and team meetings - all for free. And you can share these videos on YouTube automatically increase its reach even further. You can give people knowledge, ideas, solutions or exclusive access to content and they subscribe to your posts, growing your Google+ circle and extend its influence. A regular schedule of webcasts is a good platform to announce product launches, discounts, promotional events, sales, etc.

5. Network effectively with good followers using circles

Circles are an excellent tool to organize your connections and followers on Google+. Circles help you segment your connections in interest lists or pipeline and then share content relevant only to that particular circle. You can also see that only people in a particular circle, are sharing, making it easier to comment and interact with your content back. To find people in relation to the value that you can use the Google search and undulations.

6. Share content interesting and attractive

As with any marketing channel, you want to share content that is relevant, interesting and appropriate to their supporters. For updates messages You can tag other users, use hashtags (ie similar to Twitter again). You can even post mini-blogs here too unlike Twitter or Facebook, there is a character limit of your messages.

7. Engage and interact with your audience

To develop your community and gain new business, it is not enough to post and publish content to your brand. You must sign in and interact with their supporters - as you would any other social media channel. You can do this in several ways: mention other messages (for example, if you want to give credit or log a case study for your business); respond to comments you receive in your messages; use circles for the segment and simplify content curation by his supporters - comment, share and +1 their posts; keep your eyes on "what's hot" topics and participate in whenever you can, join relevant business communities and Hangouts and interact with other target users there.

You can follow some of them with only Google Analytics, and more advanced information on their efforts Google+, you can use third-party sites like all my stats More measured simply Circle Count and Google Business Insight for your business page.

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