Made From The Family Of Herpes Viruses

Made From The Family Of Herpes Viruses You Should Know

For most people the word "herpes" conjures an image of genital herpes, the virus is transmitted incurable through sexual contact and causes blisters on the genitals. However, in fact, is a herpes virus family is extremely widespread and can cause a number of conditions that affect the skin, mouth, eyes, brain, or in rare cases, the entire body.

Some estimates suggest that people of more than 1 to 6 can carry some form of the herpes virus in your body, be active or inactive.

Forms of the herpes viruses including herpes simplex type 1 (cold sores), herpes simplex type 2 (genital herpes), Varicella zoster (chickenpox), cytomegalovirus (mild hepatitis), the virus Epstein Barr virus (mononucleosis), and herpes zoster (shingles). All these conditions are caused by viruses of the herpes family.

Two similar conditions, herpes gestationis and dermatitis herpetiformis, both produce herpes blisters as on the skin, but are not related to or caused by any of several herpes viruses.

The virus can survive in a latent form for long periods of time after the initial infection.

An estimated 30 million Americans are infected with herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and despite numerous studies for many years, there has been little success in developing either a cure or effective vaccine.

Many herpes virus do not recur after the initial outbreak of the disease such as chickenpox, for example. However, all herpes viruses, when not active, remain dormant in your body, hidden in the nerve and avoid detection by the immune system tissue.

Studies show that chickenpox and shingles have a recurrence of nearly zero, while HSV-1 has a recurrence rate of 14 percent and herpes simplex type 2
(HSV-2) has a recurrence rate of 60 percent.

Studies have also shown that herpes injuries can also provide a gateway to other infections.

Women with herpes virus may even have an increased risk of cancer of the cervix and it is important for all women who have had herpes for a cervical smear (Pap test) every one or two years.

If you have been diagnosed with a form of herpes or not, practicing common sense prevention can go a long way in the fight against the spread of herpes. Always practice safe sex in non-monogamous relationships and avoid any sexual contact with a partner who shows symptoms of an active outbreak of genital herpes before symptoms have disappeared. While most, but not all, genital herpes outbreaks are easily detected men, women with genital herpes outbreaks can often go completely unnoticed. In fact, many women with genital herpes do not realize they have the virus until it passes to a partner.

Using a condom may or may not prevent the spread of herpes virus from one partner to another, if one partner has an active outbreak or not; So while using condoms may be better than no protection at all, you should be aware that
even if condoms are not 100% effective in protecting against the transmission of the herpes virus.

When you're tired, your immune system can not work well, and you may be more vulnerable to herpes recurrence.

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