How to Save Google Docs

Google Docs (GoogleDocs) is a great application to use, but only in the form of files you have on your hard drive, the files created in Google should be supported. Make backup Google Documents

Expected time costs: 10 minutes or less if all correctly export files

Frequency: 1x / week

Step 1: Create a backup folder ". GDocs backup files" If you have not already, create a folder on your hard drive to transfer files as

Step 2: Login: Login to GDocs.

Step 3: Organize files: once in GDocs click the "name" located above the file list to sort the list by name.

Step 4: Select Files: You can select the files manually, by clicking the boxes to the left of each file, or click the Check tab in the top right of the list "All Items" and selecting "all visible ".

Step 5: Export: Click "More Actions" at the top of the list and select "Export", then click "Download" on the new screen GDocs open a new dictum screen that closes the files to download The..
Step 6: Download: After closing is complete, select "Click to download" at the bottom of the screen to start the download.

Step 7: Save: On the download screen, when prompted, select "Save" and navigate to the backup file you created and select "save" again. Now you have the GDocs in a zip folder on your hard drive. If you click on the zip file all the files will be there.

Step 8: Check and count the files: one or two files can not have in the process zip / download. So you have to compare the number of files in the zip folder with many files in GDocs. You will have to manually count the files in the zip file. GDocs in the number of files screen is listed on the upper right side above the file list. If there is a difference in the numbers, then sort the zip file by name and compare files to GDocs screen to find the missing file.

Step 9: Missing files: If a file is not in the download, you will have to manually export in the zip file. The steps are the same except that you must ensure that you delete all files and select the file you need to export. When the file is selected, click on the "More Actions" and click "Export." Download and save the file in the zip file.

Step 10: Rename the zip file: You can rename the zip file to better reflect what it is like "GDocs backup files -". Just remember to keep the extension ".zip" file at the end of the file name.

Select the zip file in its entirety, attach email.

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