How to Build Vocabulary in a Foreign Language with Google Translate

Vocabulary acquisition is essential in learning a foreign language. Google Translate offers a fantastic tool called the sentences to help build your vocabulary. Like most of its end-user products, Google Translate and phrases are free. Google Phrasebook comes as an empty box, you must complete the words and phrases you want to learn. Depending on the language, the basic vocabulary consists of at least a thousand words. When you open Google Translate, you will see a red light in the upper right corner. You do not have to register to use Google Translate, but the phrase book requires login. If you do not have a Google account, however, you can click on the red light button in the upper right corner of the login page.

When connected, set your language and the drop down menu buttons at the top of the translation of the text box. Google Translate does a good job of translating words. Instant translation feature is enabled by default. Translation is displayed in the text box on the right side. If the word has several translations, Google displays below the translation text box, grouped into classes of words such as verbs, nouns and adjectives. Translations add to your Phrasebook

If you are satisfied with the translation and want to save it for your phrase book, you must click on the star in the lower left corner of the translation of the text box. If there are more translations appear below the translation text box, you can save one of these translations in your phrasebook well. Just click on the translation you want to record. This will display in the translation text box. Then you can add to your phrase book for her role in it. This way, you can add more than one translation of the same word or phrase in your phrase book.

You can hear the pronunciation of the word by clicking on the loudspeaker signal in the lower right corner of the translation of the text box. example sentences

If you press the next speaker rectangle bubble a few examples of sentences with the words translated appears. You may see some sentences by clicking on the arrows at the top right of the text box. Save a few phrases in your sentence book would be a useful resource to build vocabulary in a foreign language. However, Google Translate does not have this function at the time of writing this article.

If you click on the example sentence, the translation is shown below. Translations of sentences and long sentences give a sense of meaning. So for longer sentences, it is suggested not to rely on Google Translate and submit to other sources.

Insert your own translations

Google Translate advantage is that it allows you to insert your own translations. This is particularly useful if you are not satisfied with the proposed translation and want to save others in your phrase book. To do this, click on the word or phrase in the translation text box, enter your own translation in the dialog box and click the Use button. The selected translation will be replaced by your own translation, you can play in order to save it for your phrase book. This way you can build vocabulary, saving words and phrases from other sources as well.

You can access your phrase book by clicking on the book button phrases in the upper right corner. You can search for your phrase book with the search box above it. You can hear the pronunciation of words and phrases. You can filter the sentence as language pairs. Which displays the translation in the text boxes, you can edit and save to your sentence book.

Download and print your Phrasebook

The export functionality sentence of the book allows you to use your sentence book Google Translate. When your word book is opened in Google spreadsheets, you can edit, print or download. To print, simply click the print button in the upper left corner. You can download it by clicking the File menu (top left), select Download, and select one of the file types. You can download your book sentence as an Excel file to PDF as a text file, or one of the other available file types.

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