Chocolate can benefit Your Health?

If you are a fan of chocolate you're in good company. Chocolate is one of the most popular candy sweet flavours of the planet and has been for centuries. But part of the myth surrounding chocolate is that it tastes so good that must be bad for your health. A beautifully wrapped box of chocolates has always been considered a very romantic gift.

The chocolate is a health food?

chocolate health

* Chocolate contains more than 300 chemicals and has been the subject of a series of studies conducted by universities and other scientific organizations. If you are really interested in the subject, this can give you a starting point.

* Cacao, the source of chocolate, contains antibacterial agents that fight tooth decay. Naturally, this is offset by the strong milk chocolate sugar content.

* The smell of chocolate may increase theta brain waves, resulting in relaxation.

* Chocolate contains phenylethylamine, a smooth mood elevator.

* The cocoa butter in chocolate contains oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat that can increase good cholesterol.

* Drink a cup of hot chocolate before meals may actually diminish appetite.

* Men who eat chocolate live a year longer than those who do not.

* The flavonoids in chocolate may help keep blood vessels elastic.

* Chocolate increases antioxidant levels in the blood.

* Mexican healers use chocolate to treat bronchitis and insect bites.

* The carbohydrates in chocolate raise serotonin levels in the brain, which results in well-being.

Chocolate doesn't make


* There are many myths and half-truths about the effects of chocolate on the human body.

* Studies show that chocolate is not a causative factor in acne.

* Cacao contains the stimulants caffeine and bromine, but in such small amounts that do not cause nervous excitement.

* Chocolate is not addictive.

* Chocolate contains stearic acid, a neutral fat that does not raise bad cholesterol.

* Chocolate does not make you "high." Chocolate may trigger headaches in migraine patients.

* Milk chocolate is high in calories, saturated fat and sugar.

What about chocolate and your pets?

chocolate pets

Chocolate is considered dangerous to animals because it contains a stimulant called theobromine, which they can not digest.

Dark chocolate and baking chocolate are even more dangerous because they contain high concentrations of the substance. This applies if the chocolate in the shape of a chocolate bar or an ingredient in cakes, cookies, desserts or ice cream.

If an animal becomes ill after eating chocolate, take it to the vet immediately.

Dark chocolate Versus Milk chocolate 

Milk chocolate

Dark chocolate contains more cocoa and less sugar than milk chocolate. The result is that the health benefits would be more pronounced in dark chocolate.

Dark chocolate is allowed on the popular Montaignac diet while milk chocolate is not.

You need to do a little research if you have health concerns about eating chocolate.

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