Cartoon Network Punch Time Explosion

Cartoon Network Punch Time Explosion is almost identical to Super Smash Bros. Papaya studio wanted simply copy the idea of ​​the game or what? There are four main characters of defense arenas. The game features secret characters that can be unlocked, but you must play through the story mode only. The story is narrated by the famous George Lowe and it does a very good job of talking you through the story. The developer has not paid much attention to a great game here. It seems they released the prototype on the market.

If you play in single player mode, jump over pits, the fight against the bad guys, and collect health. As you progress from one level to another, you find the game becomes boring. The only difference you'll notice is the landscape, which changes each time you go to a higher level. You can move faster levels are small and easy to play. You do not experience serious challenges.

If you've played Super Smash Bros., you will hardly want to play this game. It's like playing the same game, but the version that was still under development. So now you play half the game, and you will feel the disappointment and probably quit the game before we're halfway. You do not want sensitive to unlock special characters, because your enthusiasm will be dampened by the pure simplicity and embarrassment of this game. It's a game that makes you feel miserable. Do not play before bed, you'll have nightmares.

The game seems to be filled with glitches and bugs that ruin your gameplay. Even in times when the game is running smoothly, it's just not fun to play. The multiplayer mode promises a better experience, but when you finally try it, you find it poor as single player mode. Your friends will hate you for them to learn to play this game with you.

Cartoon Network: Punch Time Explosion is not worth your time and effort. Do not waste your hard earned money on a game that does not deliver. The players want entertainment, and want to enjoy the games they play. This game promises to do.

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