4 Common Mistakes you Encounter with iTunes

Nobody can deny that iTunes has revolutionized the way people download and listen to music. You may experience these symptoms on a daily basis, such as when you try to view iTunes backup. However, if you learn how to access files from iTunes backup correctly, you will avoid some of the mistakes. Here are the top 4 errors that can occur:

1. iTunes Error 3002

This is the most common mistake people experience when dealing with iTunes. This error usually appears when you try to update with a local TinyUmbrella TSS server or tool. Some have experienced when you update your device to the older firmware is not working.

2. iTunes Error 1618

When this error occurs, the message displayed is that another installation is already underway, and you must complete this installation before you start what you want to do. You will experience this problem when you try to download the software while you are in the middle of another download. To resolve this issue, uninstall iTunes, restart the device and then reinstall iTunes.

3.iTunes Error 14

The third most common error you will encounter when dealing with iTunes iTunes is error 14. This error occurs only when your custom failure to update the firmware. When this happens, you must restore your device using a custom firmware. However, some may see this error because of problems related to USB.
4.iTunes Error 1013

You experience this problem when the updates baseband fail. You can solve this problem in different ways, depending on how it rises. You can delete the gs.apple.com the hosts file and allow the baseband upgrade. If you have this error on another iDevice, simply restart your computer and reinstall the system when the device is in recovery mode.

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