Seltzer Dispenser use at Home and In Food Chains Major

Soda or popularly known in the United States and Canada as soda water, a name derived from Selters an der Lahn, a small village in Hesse, Germany, is an effervescent beverage artificially charged with carbon dioxide. Seltzer was invented in 1767 by Englishman Joseph Priestley, also known as soda water; there is provided a method brewing water pressurized with CO2 or carbon dioxide. Seltzer is often consumed pure or mixed with fruit flavors, sweeteners or alcohol. Seltzer is usually served by a distributor Seltzer, which are commonly found in restaurants, concession stands, convenience store, sidewalk food stalls and other fast food chains.

This device was used to deliver simple or flavored soft drinks; The mixture of syrup, carbon dioxide, water and other flavorings added to make a soft, or added with alcohol to make a liquor. There are many Seltzer this distributor, but contain in general a container of glass or metal pressure comprising an exhaust valve which discharges carbonated water under pressure. Most traditional models are in first class hotels, restaurants and trendy bars; it is also found in the houses of the middle of the century when it became a status symbol of high class and middle class families. Today, it is available and sold in all stores large and large online stores. Other projects elegant glass with wire mesh, or aluminum housing. In major fast-food chains, which are provided by the company brewery and soft drinks with rechargeable distributors. Most of these devices contain many distributors as a set containing different flavors of soft drinks; which normally distributes around 4 types of refrigerants; It is generally contained in a housing of aluminum or stainless steel.

Basically, a comprehensive system Distributor Seltzer is a gasification system for the pressurized carbon dioxide infusion (CO 2) for water plain or flavored. It contains an inlet for the carbon dioxide gas, which can be ejected through a valve and into the water chamber, simple or mixed with the syrup and other flavorings. The gas chamber is refillable carbon dioxide and the water tank. Once the siphon is then perfused through the distributor controlled by a relief valve. Other separation systems flavoring mixture, then water is carbonated which then passes through another pressure vessel wherein any flavor concentrate is mixed. The pure product is carbonated water or flavor that is contained in a bottle of glass or plastic or cup.

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