Population Increase Affects Ecosystems and the Food Chain

An ecosystem is generally understood as the combination of biological, physical and chemical factors that make up a particular locality and can be anything from a pond in a forest in a desert.

There are two components in an ecosystem, abiotic components such as sunlight, temperature, temperature, water or moisture and soil chemistry and biotic, plant organisms with live insects, animals for people who all interact together.

Ecology is a way of describing how the different parts that make up an interaction between ecosystems and work if the amount of energy produced by photosynthesis or as a flow of energy and materials throughout the food chain.

Energy transfers in a continuous cycle of growth to decay and forth along an ecosystem and the speed at which it does so depends on a number of factors. However, the energy transfer through the food chain becomes more inefficient because it develops from what is called the level of primary producers (plants) through the level of consumption level and primary carnivore herbivore.

All very well when the different elements of an ecosystem are balanced and work well together, but it did not take much to destabilize.

Climate change, like drought or prolonged rainfall, can affect balance or a change in animal population for that perhaps there are many predators that can be supported in a given area.

Human activity has undoubtedly one of the most significant impacts on an ecosystem in a variety of ways. Once people begin to gather in communities and in the economic system depends increasingly urbanized, with better scientific understanding of public health and medicine, lower mortality rates and population begins to develop.

This puts more pressure on those who work the land to produce food to become more efficient and new innovations such as agricultural machines - and possibly methods such as pesticides and chemicals and minerals-based fertilizers must be used to control pests and diseases in crops and increase the yield of the land.

Meanwhile, ever newer methods "efficient" farming and creating a hostile environment for wildlife, including pests and their natural predators, perhaps because the areas where they live and Housing as hedges were removed to allow larger farm vehicles to operate effectively.

The human population continues to grow as life expectancy and birth rates and increasing add to the stress on the ecosystem.

It is the result of centuries of these "improvements" in food production and survival of the population and growth that led to the current concerns about food shortages and the need for farmers to increase food production .

Biopesticides developers have been at the forefront of the search for solutions, the search (low-chem AKA) more natural agricultural products - using natural ingredients to create biopesticides and yield enhancers that protect the incomes of the earth and help increase from the finite amount of land available, reducing wastage caused by crops lost to disease and predators.

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