Latex Allergy in Brief

Latex is derived from the milky sap of the rubber tree, Hevea brasiliensis, found in South America and Southeast Asia.

Accelerators and antioxidants can be added important mediators of allergic reactions such as allergic contact dermatitis (type IV) and can aggravate irritant contact dermatitis.

Latex products such as gloves, finger cots, condoms, balloons, and so forth are manufactured using the process of crossing or by pouring the latex into a mold to form a coating. Soaked and soft rubber products appear to have the largest content of latex proteins.

Corn starch powder is applied to latex gloves, finger cots and balloon during the manufacturing process to prevent sticking and to make the latex product, a soft touch. Latex protein particles have been shown to adhere to the surface of the corn starch particles and the removal of aerosol product.

Latex allergy is an allergic reaction to natural latex latex protein. Repeated exposure to latex rubber and latex products can cause allergic symptoms.

Among people at high risk of developing latex allergy are health professionals, who have defects in their bone marrow cells, those with deformed bladders or urinary tract, people with multiple surgical history , people with food allergies to bananas, avocados, kiwi fruit or nuts, workers in the rubber industry and condom users.

People can be exposed to latex proteins through the skin, mucous membranes such as eyes, mouth, vagina and rectum, inhalation and blood ie, through contact with medical devices containing rubber.

There are 3 types of allergic reaction -

I. Irritant Contact Dermatitis (not free)
Its symptoms include redness, cracking, cracking, peeling, dryness, itching, burning and injuries. It is caused by handwashing, occlusion, repeated antiseptic and exposure to chemicals in the latex products.

It is less threatening between the three types of allergic reactions and is classified as a non-allergic skin reaction. II. Allergic contact dermatitis (type IV) (delayed hypersensitivity)
It has the same type of reaction, such as irritant contact dermatitis. It develops within 6 to 48 hours after contact with latex products.

iii. Immediate hypersensitivity (type I)
Its symptoms include site and generalized urticaria, feeling weak, feeling of impending doom, angioedema, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, pink eye (conjunctivitis), tachycardia, pain chest, difficulty breathing, low blood pressure, anaphylactic shock and possibly death.

Because of latex allergy can be terrible, because management is very important. For healthcare professionals and patients who are allergic to latex, latex gloves should be used.

Careful research products in homes, workplaces and health care facilities and dental care must be taken.

Effort should be done in the workplace to reduce exposure to latex proteins antigen in the air.

Latex proteins are soluble in water. A method of manufacturing the wash and chlorination can reduce the burden of latex protein antigen. Products low in protein and powder free latex are preferable to minimize the conscience of the people.

Manufacturers must label their products are latex. One should consult a doctor if symptoms appear allergic reaction after using latex products for immediate processing.

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