Food Pyramid Explained

When you're young and you see the food pyramid to school, you know what that is, but that is why it is structured the way it is still a mystery. Today people are more aware of nutritional labels and types of food they should eat. Large bands is equal to eat more and vice versa. The food pyramid is also based on an average adult, special dietary needs are not considered.

How to use?

The best way to use the pyramid is to look at your plate and break down different food groups. Think fruit and a dish or dessert. All consumed in moderation and balance is the key to the pyramid.

This is the collapse of the food pyramid and the total recommended daily intake based on an average adult without dietary restrictions of your meals and snacks throughout the day:

Grain Serving:

Six ounces (about) servings per day. Try to choose different whole grains. Even with grains Try to choose a variety of different types of vegetables and different colors. Each vegetable has there own specific asset to your diet.

Part of Fruit:

Two cups per day or 4 cups total. Crazy, but the fruits are like vegetables you also need to vary the types and colors.

Milk serving:

Three cups a day, dairy products is great for your body, try yogurt and cheese and milk. Always try to choose fat free skim or options partly because dairy products may be more on the side of the fat.

Meat and legumes (beans) Summary:

Five and a half ounces per day overall. Regarding the protein going there a little protein is much more meat, which is always a major source is fish, eggs, nuts and various seeds. When selecting meat that its protein make sure you choose lean meats.

Empty calories (sugars) a very small amount, about 100 to 300 calories.

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