Food Poisoning Remedy

At some point in the life of each person they are likely to come down with some kind of food poisoning. The causes of food poisoning can be a number of things of allergic reactions to food badly cooked with a certain type of bacteria that spread in the body. This causes the unwanted suffering. There are, however, some natural remedies for food poisoning.

One of the biggest ways to overcome food poisoning is to take some form of charcoal. Coal is a natural remedy that neutralizes poisons in the body twice its own weight. Thus, a piece of burned toast can go a long way to help settle your stomach and stop the symptoms faster.

Besides trying to neutralize the poison many common foods and herbs can be a remedy for food poisoning. A banana after food poisoning can go a long way to replace the body with potassium, which was washed out of the system. To calm the digestive system that was recently devastated a good mint tea is recommended as the tannin in tea helps to neutralize any remaining poison and mint soothes the stomach. Better soon take tea at the beginning which can be echinacea, it has a very strong effect on gastronomy medicinal born toxins in the body.

Sleep allows your body to work the problems with all their energy and rest after struggling against all internal problems. Even if you still feel fault before bedtime, most cases of food poisoning will run its course within hours of rest a night or for a nap.

With a combination of light, nutrients providing food, maybe some form of charcoal, as well as lots of water and rest you will overcome his poisoning without treatment or make an unnecessary trip to the 'hospital.

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