Discover the Food Pyramid

The traditional food pyramid was revised and updated in 2005 by the USDA and you know who has changed the food pyramid? The USDA has paid $ 2.5 million to a PR / marketing group to help design this new food pyramid, and this group is best known for doing a job for the dairy industry. In fact, historically, the food guide pyramid that the USDA has always created continued to eat more food, drink more milk and essentially consume increasing amounts of everything the American food industry produced.

Since the food pyramid was published, obesity rates have continued to increase only in the United States. The traditional food pyramid suggests that the "healthy" food is a generous amount of grains or breads, rice and pasta. Then you should eat a good amount of vegetables (3 servings) and fruits (2 parts) third level, lean meats, eggs and beans (3 servings) and dairy (3 servings). Eat in moderation, fats, oils and sweets.

Fat Myth
The biggest mistake many of us make in our diets is that we cut all the fat, and replaced by fat substitutes "low". We sacrificed a lot of "good" fats such as olive oil, corn, avocado, flaxseed and fish oils, and our bodies need for healthy brain function and replaced by fat processed "weak" replacement.

Wheat gluten
The standard diet is full of wheat and gluten. The typical American diet consists of toast, pancakes, muffin, scone for breakfast, a sandwich for lunch and pizza and pasta for dinner. Which has been genetically modified to have increased its 90 percent gluten. In the book dangerous grains, James Brady and Ron Hoggan, describe gluten as a protein that the immune system reacts pathologically, producing inflammation. His claim is that the gluten destroys healthy tissue by using the molecular cross-reactivity.

Empty calories
We live in a land of plenty, we have plenty of food and lots of calories, but what we are foods that are low in nutrients and full of empty calories elements. You're left with this empty carbohydrates, and is compatible with the food pyramid always say, "Eat more grain."

The science of food is big business, and many companies have invested millions, if not billions of dollars to create foods that # 1 filled with preservatives so that they have a longer life so that they do not need replacing as often, No. 2 are filled with additives to tempt the palate and create a truly addictive quality.

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