21st Century Food Chain

Until the late 20th century, there was little discussion on the nutritional quality of food. Fruits and vegetables were grown in organic, fertile soil. Natural fertilizers were used, sprays and insecticides were unknown and natural biological methods were used to protect crops against insects. Artificial growth hormones were unknown. Food was free of chemical additives, preservatives, artificial colors and flavors and they were eaten fresh. That was before the development of genetically modified food (GMF), such as canola oil and modified soy products, food irradiation, and the phenomenon of fast food.

Fast forward to 2013 and is now a landscape radically different food chain. Consider the following points of concern which are now common and accepted part of most people in the nutrition profile:

• Over 60% of the food "supermarkets runners provide highly processed, high in sugar, fat rich foods deficient in nutrients that are not absolutely necessary for a healthy and balanced diet.

• Fuel stations stops / gas contain only choice of junk food - most of these shops are stocked only with a selection of chocolates, chips, soft drinks, fruit juices, highly processed snacks high in fat and rich sugar foods "fresh" for example, meat pies, donuts, chocolate, etc.

• Soft drinks are a fluid replacement clip - even the US military supply soda cans on their warships.

As difficult as humanity attempts to distort the natural course of destiny human health, nature has backup corrective measures already in place. Every 90 days a new blood flow is built into the body through the food you eat, you drink the liquid and the air you breathe. Your body is constantly being rebuilt.

This amazing ability for the human body to rebuild itself gives us the opportunity, to some extent, to repair the damage caused by poor lifestyle and malnutrition. If people are asking the question "does the product I'm about to eat contain chemicals added" before starting anything they plan to eat in your mouth that would probably be surprised how little what they eat contains no added chemicals.

In the 21st century many people are very dependent on processed and packaged convenience foods - they have forgotten how to eat "natural" food. In modern western cities, we have access to an incredible variety of fresh food and drinking water still people continue to consume more and more junk food and processed beverages. There is no doubt that the crisis of obesity is increasing worldwide an alarming trend corresponding to the increase in fast food industries, snacks and bottled drinks. And it's not just the amount of these foods are consumed, it is alarming - as previously stated is the effect of all chemicals added to these foods and drinks can have on our bodies.

A poor diet, overeating, excessive consumption of fat, sugar, alcohol and coffee and the burden of environmental poisons adversely affect liver function. The liver must be prepared to process thousands of chemicals that can be added to our diet during treatment in and around more than 12,000 chemicals that can be used in packaging materials for food and pesticides, fungicides and antibiotics, which often contaminate our food and environment. The human body has not had time to develop structures enzymes that are necessary to adapt to this rapid change in our toxic environment. We must take into account the effects of this chronic lifestyle is having on the human body and how the metabolism and the immune system are forced to the point of failure. Not only the amount of food we eat this is a concern, but also the type of food and our bodies are capable of metabolizing the nutrients to produce our cells need.

A strong and healthy immune system is important in preventing cancer, because each person has cancer cells in the body, but these cancer cells do not show up in the standard tests until they have multiplied a few billion. When doctors say cancer patients there is no more cancer cells in their bodies after treatment, it just means that the tests are unable to detect the cancer cells because they have not reached the detectable size. When the immune system of the person is strong cancer cells will be destroyed and prevented from multiplying and form tumors. Nutritional deficiencies greatly inhibit the immune response and can lifestyle factors as environmental and others.

The human body has a battle on his hands trying to survive the onslaught of bad food choices that people undergo on a daily basis. Eat great food can be bad for you, but good food is not addictive as the high-salt and junk food are high in sugar, so it is unlikely that excessive consumption of these foods as much as we do junk food. The body moves from a healthy homeostasis state to a chronic disease state as by the choices we make in what we put in our mouths. There is a progression that takes place from healthy for obese chronically sick and the sad truth is that this increase is entirely preventable if you just make healthy food choices and maintain an active lifestyle with adequate exercise .

People joke if they think anything but healthy food is a necessary component in the basket.

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