What is CT Virtual Colonography and Why is It Used You Do Not Miss It?

ct colonography

CT Virtual Colonography and Why is It Used You Do Not Miss It ~ Virtual colonography CT (sometimes abbreviated as CT colonography) is a simple medical imaging test that is used by doctors to see inside the colon and rectum.

Imaging technique has many advantages over other medical tests previously used for this purpose. gastro-intestinal problems can be diagnosed without the inconvenience associated with invasive colonoscopies and barium meal.
Doctors use these tests still in certain situations; CT virtual colonography, however, is a more frequent choice that the cost is reduced and the safety of the procedure increased significantly.

CT virtual colonography serves more often as screen patients for early signs of colon cancer and checking the growth of polyps, but it can also be useful for diagnosis-or discount-other diseases of the colon and rectum. Unlike other available medical tests can CT virtual colonography medical conditions outside the digestive tract are diagnosed.

Although this imaging test is powerful and because of this, doctors detect colon cancer too fast, the procedure is not without risks. Computer Tomography is to submit the patient to a small but significant of ionizing radiation dose. Technological advances have the latest scanners faster and more efficient, and the latest models require much lower radiation doses that will be used to produce images of the same clarity. Doctors usually recommend this test only when a patient experiences symptoms of cancer or gastrointestinal illness.

For a patient is the procedure much less uncomfortable than classic bowel screening tests. Standard x-rays require the rectum to be filled with radio-opaque material such as barium sulfate to create a contrast. This may be uncomfortable for the patient, while the test is run.

Flexible sigmoidoscopy uses a shorter camera to examine the rectum and the lower part of the colon, with a rigid Sigmoidoscopy, sometimes used to watch only the rectum. The rigid sigmoidoscope is more short and right and allow doctors to examine the most common location where the intestine cancer develops.

With CT colonography, can be accomplished by just a blow up the rectum with air for the duration of the test, which is far less uncomfortable for the patient. Side effects are usually limited to mild discomfort and a sense of swelling when the rectum is filled with air or gas. The test taker is more than 20 minutes to finish and since no painkillers or injections in General is required, patients can resume all normal activities immediately after the test.

When polyps or tumors are detected, patients undergo a biopsy and conventional examination for the diagnosis can be confirmed.

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