Asbestos Exposure and Cancer for People in Asbestos Industry

Asbestos Exposure and Cancer For People In Asbestos Industry You Do Not Miss It

It has been proven that inhaling asbestos fibers can cause various health problems ranging from asthma to cancer. Another interesting study that explored levels of mesothelioma in asbestos-cement factory.

Continued study of workers manufacturing chrysotile asbestos cement products. By Gardner MJ, Winter PD, Pannett B, Powell CA - British Journal of Industrial Medicine 1986; 43:726-732. A total of 12 cases of pleural and peritoneal mesotheliomas observed one when the original notification form to review for all patients with cancer in the cohort.

This is not so among working women. For men, significant excess risk was found for lung cancer (O / E 1.80; 95% CI 1.54 to 2.10), pleura (O / E 5.46; 95% CI 2.62 to 10 , 2005), mediastinum (O / E 5.00, 95% CI 1.01 to 14.61), stomach (O / E 1.43, 95% CI 1.03 to 1.93), and other genital organs men (O / E 3.03; 95% CI 1.11 to 6.60).

Mortality was increased significantly for men to non-malignant lung disease (O / E 1.63; 95% CI 1.33 to 1.98). Among a group of asbestos cement workers with first employment 1928-1940 excess risk of laryngeal cancer was found (O / E 5.50; 95% CI 1.77 to 12.82).

Cancer incidence and mortality among employees in the asbestos cement industry in Danish. By E Raffn, Lynge E, Juel K, Korsgaard B - Br J Ind Med 1989; 46:90-96 - Here's an excerpt: Abstract - In a cohort study that cause cancer and mortality among 7996 men and 584 women worked in the asbestos cement industry between 1928 and 1984 Danish more than 99% plagiarized Chrysotile asbestos is the type of fiber is only used until 1946, when the amosite and (in 1952). crocidolite was also introduced. Chrysotile is 89%, 10% amosite and crocidolite 1% of asbestos used.

During the first 25 years making high-level exposure, especially in areas where asbestos is handled dry. Measurements from 1948 show that levels of fiber may range from 100-1600 times over the Danish threshold value is now 0.5 fibers / ml.

In 1973 more than 41% of personal samples was higher than 2 f / ml. Approximately 76% of the workforce left the factory within five years of work begins. A total of 1346 deaths and 612 cases of cancer observed in the group between 1943 and 1984.

Among the men who worked mortality overall (O / E 1.18; 95% CI 1.12 to 1.25), cancer mortality (O / E 1.32; 95% CI 1.19 to 1.46), and overall incidence of cancer (O / E 1.22; 95% CI 1.12 to 1.32) were significantly increased compared with all Danish people.

People who have worked in the asbestos industry or in which the minerals were used in their products typically handled at higher risk for developing cancer and mesothelioma.

One interesting study that examines the benefits of digestions whitener called, A procedure for the isolation of amosite asbestos and ferruginous bodies from lung tissue and sputum "by Marion G. Williams Jr. a, Ronald F. Dodson b; Carolyn a Maize; George A. Hurst - Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A, Volume 10, Issue 4 & October 5, 1982, pages 627-638.

Here is an excerpt: Abstract - A comprehensive scheme is described to isolate, and amosite asbestos ferruginous bodies from human lung tissue fixed and not fixed and sputum. This qualitative procedure avoids many problems associated with previous isolation techniques and describes the benefits of short bleach digestions.

Ethanol, potassium permanganate and oxalic acid steps can be repeated as necessary until the desired sample volume has been filtered. Allows the entire procedure for the large volume of distillate is filtered and a very clean background.

Filtration can be completed in just 15 minutes, as opposed to hours or days is recommended for other procedures. This technique is applicable to specimens fixed in Saccomanno fixative or giutaraldehyde, and to them the situation was not fixed.

The procedure does not appear to damage the gross morphology of amosite fibers, and produces no detectable change in the composition of their elements as determined by X-ray analysis of energy dispersion. If you find one of these quotes, please read it in its entirety. We are all indebted to the investigators.

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